Finishing Rings with CA (Superglue)

Wooden rings benefit from a good tough, protective coating both for visual appeal and to keep them safe from scratches and knocks. CA (superglue) is perfect for this. It dries very hard, very tough and super glossy.

The process for finishing a ring is pretty easy. It's as simple as building a few layers on the ring, sanding flat and then polishing to a shine. The ring featured below only took ten minutes from start to finish, which is helped by using an accelerator spray on the CA, but even without that you can do the whole job in well under an hour.

Before starting, the ring has been sanded to 1500 grit, dusted and cleaned with white spirit, then mounted on my turning jig (OK, OK, it's a power drill clamped to my bench - but it works!). This process can be used for metal rings too - a coat of CA will protect a gilded finish, or stop copper from tarnishing.

For a change, I've made a video of the process rather than photos. Here we go, apologies in advance for dodgy editing. Click through to YouTube for lovely HD quality version. Royalty-free music courtesy of Dan-O at

And here is the finished ring.

This ring and more available to buy at my Etsy store. Custom orders very welcome, at no extra charge.


  1. How do you finish the inside of the ring? Any tips and tricks would be appreciated! Btw your rings are amazing!

    1. Thanks! Inside depends on the wood - with something like padouk or cocobolo, which can stain skin or cause a reaction, I'll usually wipe a couple of coats of CA on the inside with a q-tip, the sand flat and polish as with the outside. With a more skin-friendly wood, I'll generally just put some beeswax on the inside, so the texture of the wood is still able to be felt. Hope that's useful!

  2. What brand of CA glue do you use?

    1. Screwfix "No Nonsense" Superglue. Basically the cheapest stuff I could find. All superglue is basically identical so there's no need to pay for the fancy stuff.

      If you're doing bigger pieces it might be useful to have some thinner glue - which you can get from woodturning suppliers - but at this scale, there's no point.

    2. What type of fabric do you use to apply the glue? My glue seems to dry way too fast.

    3. I just use kitchen towel - cheap and disposable. Even in the height of summer I don't have a problem with it drying too fast.

      Do you live in an area of very high humidity? That might be a problem.

  3. What is that tool in your drill that is holding the ring? It looks like you're just slipping it on and off, and it's magically holding it firmly.


  4. It's a hex chuck socket, wrapped in masking tape to provide a friction fit. I've yet to find a faster and more adaptable means of chucking rings.


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